

Here you will find information on PCW's awareness building work and useful tips to help you get involved and informed.

Factcheck the PUSD Myth Busters

Attend PUSD Board Meetings

The Board meets regularly and each board meeting has a public comment session in which parents and community members can make our voices heard. Check out PUSD's board meeting schedule here. To give a public comment, please attend a board meeting in person and sign up on site. You can find more information here.

Resources for Parents and Community

  • How to Find My Child's Schools and Sub-School Districts?

    Click here.

  • How to Make A Public Records Request?

    An individual (parent, community member, taxpayer, etc.) or organization can make formal requests for school records (curriculum, emails, recordings…) pursuant to the California Public Records Act. California Law requires that the school district reply within 10 days.

    In PUSD, a public records request (PRA) can be made to the Public Records Act Request Center via this link. You can also check the status of your request on this portal.

  • What Should I Do About Age-Inappropriate School Books?

    • Let us know the book titles, their locations in PUSD (classroom, library…) and your concerns about them.
    • Reach out to your school principal to share your findings and concerns. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of that conversation, let us know and we will provide guidance to next steps.
    • Coordinate with fellow parents and community members to attend school board meetings to voice your demand..
  • How to Get Involved in School Board Meetings?

    The PUSD Board meets at least once every month. We encourage you to participate in these meetings to monitor school policies and demand accountability and transparency.

    • Check out PUSD's board meeting schedule here.
    • Sign up to give a public comment ahead of the board meeting. For more information, visit this link.